The journey begins as a troublesome purple fox befriends a practical white crane and they go off, just having, when they stumble upon something more sinister than they had planned a frivolous adventure to be.
WorldCutie Joined: Sep-27-2011 |
Parker W. has loved writing ever since she was a toddler. She has written many stories, but, unfortunately, has never finished them. She mostly writes fantasy, horror, and thrillers, and is very dark and morbid. At her school she has chosen to be thought of a freak and a weirdo, but Parker is completely fine with that, as she has found friends that share a few of the same interests. Her hobbies are drawing, painting, cartooning, acting, filming, drumming, singing with her band, thinking, talking to herself, and writing. Parker currently lives in Texas with her parents, brother and sister, and two Chihuahua Terrier mixes, Buzz and Mojo.