This book is dedicated to יהוה (Yahweh) The Father, Son and Holy Ghost who has chosen to take form in the embodiment of Yahweh Ben Yahweh.
I thank You Yahweh for shining Your marvelous light, glory and grace upon the children of Yahweh again this day
(Towdah Abba).
This book also serves as a guaranty of expression, for the Celestial Federation of יהוה (Yahweh) True Holiness and Righteousness, that is being established forever through יהוה בן יהוה
(Yahweh Ben Yahweh).
We are so blessed to have the god within animated by the One who impregnated it before the Creation of the Universe.
We are hollowed with His wisdom, infinite knowledge,
and understanding and is self-assured that His Name, Laws,
Statues, Judgements and Commandments shall be
Submerged, Praised, Acknowledged and Confessed Eternally.
Patches Joined: Dec-28-2022 |
In my beginning “Yahweh generated me to be immortal, for he created me as an image of his own essence and breathed within me a Spirit, a Soul which is synonymous to the word Consciousness.
Yahweh made my consciousness, soul to be perpetual, indefinite, of everlasting, just as His nature.
When Yahweh breathed, which means pronounced, professed, enunciated my existence with the utterance of my name Timna, He embedded within me His primeval light. The light that was revealed with the first act of creation mentioned in Genesis 1:3 when “ (Yahweh) said, let their be LIGHT” , John 1:4 establishes, “In Him ( Yahweh Ben Yahweh) was LIFE: and the LIFE was the LIGHT of Men”. Revealing that the only way I can come into existence or obtain life is through Yahweh Ben Yahweh which is the Great Light.
The people that walked in darkness has seen the great light, they that dwell in the land of the shadow of death upon them..