More hysterical cartoons and satire from WHACKY magazine, recovered from the circular file (er, archives) by long-time staff member and editor MAL MALAL.
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Ray Joined: Nov-18-2009 |
Artist, writer, dreamer, adventurer, mercenary soldier, garbage collector--MAL MALAL is a true Renaissance man. After years of working as a cartoonist and editor for WHACKY publications, Mal for the first time reveals long-forgotten masterpieces by Chet Simpson, Julius Skue, Klendennen Tolliver and other cartoonists who once graced the pages of WHACKY magazine with their offerings. Unfortunately, most of these particular stories and cartoons never saw print, too stupid even for WHACKY, but Mal saved all this stuff from the slush pile of unwanted and unsolicited manuscripts, so here it is, for your amusement and edification, THE SLUSH PILE WHACKY. Hey, anything to make a few bucks, right?!!