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The Three Little Pairs Shop - Magical Poems

by Paul Baldry
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

Deep in the heart of Nottinghamshire, nestled within the tranquil embrace of a quaint village, there existed a small but extraordinary shop known as "Three Little Pairs." Its name, a playful homage to the countless pairs of shoes adorning its shelves, carried with it the promise of a whimsical escape into the world of footwear wonders.

Upon stepping into the warmth of this beloved establishment, customers were greeted by a symphony of scents - a delightful medley of supple leather, freshly polished wood, and delicate threads intricately woven together. It was a place where time itself seemed to suspend, granting respite from the hurried pace of the outside world.

But within this charming boutique, something magical lay beneath the surface, hidden in plain sight. Amidst the rows of meticulously crafted shoes, their laces neatly tied and patterns harmoniously displayed, secrets of enchantment cradled themselves amongst the ordinary. These were no ordinary shoes, for they possessed an ethereal quality that set them apart from the rest.

And nearby, resting serenely upon a regal velvet cushion, were the socks. Their fibres, spun from dreams and woven with threads of moonlit whimsy, bore a brilliance far beyond that of mere fabric. They radiated an enchantment so captivating that one could not help but be draped in wonder upon even a fleeting glimpse.

Day after day, the shoes and socks adorned their perch upon a humble shelf, a silent audience to the ebb and flow of customers who would come and go. They listened intently as footsteps echoed throughout the elegant shop, each pair yearning for the moment when they would be chosen to fulfil their destiny.

Like participants in an unspoken contest, every shoe and sock took turns imagining the glorious adventures they would embark upon if only granted the chance. Tales of stomping proudly on cobblestone streets, dancing beneath shimmering starlit skies, or tiptoeing stealthily through ancient forests filled their collective daydreams.

For in this haven of footwear fantasies, shoelaces remained untied, patiently waiting to be cinched with purpose. And socks, with feet to clothe and protect, anxiously hoped to grace toes that would wander far and wide, imprinted with the immeasurable stories of life itself.

Little did they know that their longing, their quiet aspirations, would soon intertwine with the fates of unsuspecting wanderers who would soon enter the doors of "Three Little Pairs." And with each step taken in those enchanted shoes, and every whimsical dance adorned by those majestic socks, the boundaries of the ordinary would blur, giving rise to extraordinary tales yet to be written.

Features & Details
Created on: Dec-29-2023   Last updated:  Mar-14-2024
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
Theme: Poetry    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 40 Pages
About Author
author icon Long John
Joined: Jan-16-2016

Reflecting on the stories I've written, I realise that they are not just simple tales. Every word, every sentence, and every character symbolises the extraordinary experiences I had while serving in the British Army from 1970 to 1996.

During my time in the army, I was involved in numerous tactical and non-tactical operations. I completed five tours in Northern Ireland during the Troubles, which took place between 1972 and 1985. In addition to these tours, I participated in various other operations across the world. These included engagements in the politically tumultuous regions of Belize, located on the border of Guatemala, and skiing in the Swiss Mountains and Norwegian Fiords. I also had the opportunity to train with the American Marines in sunny Florida, USA. It was an eventful journey that exposed me to a range of conflicts and landscapes.

Amidst my military service, I found myself engulfed in the world cruise. Although it lasted six months, this deployment was far from a luxurious voyage of dancing and dining. It was a demanding expedition through unforgiving terrains, where our sustenance came solely from composite rations - those long-lasting precooked tinned foods. Nevertheless, despite the hardships we faced, it was an opportunity for us to test and strengthen our resilience.

Growing up in the quaint village of Nottinghamshire, Nottingham, and later traveling to different deployments, accommodation often came in the form of small holes in the ground or tents like "Three Little Pairs." These humble abodes became my temporary homes, offering me shelter amidst the chaos that surrounded me. Each time, I would find solace in their simplicity, reminiscing about the familiar comforts of my hometown.

But beyond the physical settings, the stories I penned represented the various activities I participated in during my service. Some were filled with joy and laughter, representing the camaraderie and friendships I formed along the way. They were my brothers and sisters in arms, whose names I chose to honour by using the names of my own family and friends.

Yet, not all stories were pleasant. Some depicted the darker moments, the realities of conflict and the sacrifices we made for our duties. They served as a reminder of the hardships endured, the pain we experienced, and the lives forever changed. Through these stories, I sought to capture the essence of my journey, the highs and lows that shaped me as both a soldier and a person.

Now, as I close this chapter of my life, I realise that these stories are not just for me. They are a tribute to all those who have served, to their families and loved ones who supported them from afar. They serve as a glimpse into the life of a soldier, a testament to the resilience and courage that runs through our veins.

In the end, it is in the written words that I find solace and understanding. These stories are a reflection of my own life experiences, a way to make sense of the complexities and emotions that come with being a part of something greater than myself. And while my time in the British Army may have come to an end, the stories, the memories, and the lessons they embody will forever live on, a legacy of service and sacrifice.

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