This is a story of a young boy named Ivan and his older sister Alice. They are both slaves who work together as a team!! They hate their lives at the plantation and they are sick of everyone bossing them around. Alice and Ivan have an escape plan that they have been planning and wanting badly for everyone to come with them but it is defiantly not possible for that to happen. Will they get through safely to Canada who knows we will have to read and fine out what happens!
Rj Joined: Jan-30-2011 |
Hello my name is Roger Perez. I never wanted to be a writer in school but after a learning experence with my older sister I always wanted to learn how to write. So I told My 5th grade teacher Mrs. Ross and she mentioned this group and so finnaly after weeks of learning how to write I am here today with the help of my sisters and brother to support me and to help me become a better writer!!!!!!!