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The weather and fun

by lashanna walker
20 pages    2290 reads    1 people's favorite    2 likes
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11"x8.5" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Price: $29.99    Gold Member Price: $26.99
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About the Book

This book is just fun and learning for children. It is a book that children must read and have fun. after they complete the book they must can spell the basic words like sun, moon etc. it book take mi few minutes to write, because it is pretty sample. This book was wrote on may 6,2013 and was publish on may 6,2013. This book is a lot of fun for children. This book must complete within three days or more depend the time the teacher and the parent have. The weather and fun book is fun plus fun equal fun for children. This book can purchase online. Education is the key to success. In order to learn and become successful you have to read a lot. You have to take the reading level step by step. this book is very simple for 5-6 year old. this can be practice at home and school. this book is a easy book for the children to refresh your brain. By refreshing you brain purchase one of this book online. this book help you to know and spell the words. after you understand the book and can spell.

Features & Details
Created on: May-06-2013   Published on: May-06-2013
Format: 11"x8.5" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Children    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
About Author
author icon Mymy
Joined: May-04-2013

I was 16 years old when I wrote this book. I was born on August 1, 1996. I attend The Easington Basic School in the year of 1999-2000, then move to the Heartease Basic School in the year of 2000-2002 to the Easington Primary School in 2002-2008 and went straight to The Donald Quarrie High School in 2008-2013. The Donald Quarrie High School was not the School I was pass for to go to, it was Technical High School but I move because of the distance. I live in Easington, St.Thomas and the School is near Portland. This book is the first book I wrote. My career was to become and American actress and a author. I find writing book easy and a lot of fun. I love to do thing that would fun and enjoyable for children. When a wrote this book a pray that it would sell very fast. When doing fun thing for children I also enjoy it, because it is for me too. To become and author is easy for me, you just have to have your ideas and information ready to become an author. Write is a lot of fun for me......

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