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Through the Lens of Time - A Poetical Historical Journey through World War II

by Paul Baldry
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
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About the Book

Through the Lens of Time

A Poetical Historical Journey through World War II
Few events in our shared human history have left as deep an imprint on the world as World War II. This global conflict, with its far-reaching impacts, was a time of unparalleled bravery, of unimaginable sacrifice, and of humanity's darkest and brightest moments. It was a period that pushed the boundaries of human endurance and resilience, forever altering the course of our collective history.

This book, "Through the Lens of Time: My Poetical Historical Journey through World War II," is my attempt to bring you closer to this monumental period in history, not through the detached gaze of a historian, but through the intimate lens of Poetry.

I invite you to journey with me through the pivotal events, battles, and personalities of World War II, as I have come to understand them. From the storm-laden beaches of Normandy to the gritty sands of Iwo Jima, from the chilling rise of Hitler to the eventual fall of the Axis powers, I will share with you my insights, reflections, and learnings from this epoch-defining era.

This book is not just a recounting of events; it is a testament to the enduring spirit of humanity, the stark realities of war, and the glimmers of hope that persist even in the darkest of times. It is a tribute to those who fought, those who led, and those who fell.

As you delve into these pages, you will not only learn about World War II; you will also embark on a poetic journey, one that explores the depths of human courage, the horrors of conflict, and the indomitable spirit of hope.

Welcome to "Through the Lens of Time: My Poetical Historical Journey through World War II." Let our journey begin.

Features & Details
Created on: Mar-31-2024   Last updated:  Mar-31-2024
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
Theme: Poetry    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 68 Pages
About Author
author icon Long John
Joined: Jan-16-2016

My name is Paul Baldry…
Reflecting on my life and my work, I am struck by the adventurous spirit that has guided me through the years. Born and raised in Nottinghamshire, my journey took an unexpected turn when I joined the British Army in 1970.

From that moment on, my life became a whirlwind of experiences, taking me to places I had never imagined, from the troubled streets of Northern Ireland to the breathtaking heights of the Swiss Mountains, from the humid jungles of Belize to the icy expanses near the Russian border.

My service was not just a job, it was an adventure, a journey of discovery. I trained with the American Marines in Florida and the Norwegian Army, lived in bell tents and snow holes, and spent challenging three-month tours on board ships. Each deployment was a test of my resilience, a challenge to adapt and thrive in unfamiliar environments. But amidst the hardships, I found beauty in the world's natural tapestries that surrounded me, and solace in the simplicity of my temporary homes.

My love for travel and history has always been a significant part of my identity. It has shaped my perspective of the world and has made me realise how interconnected we all are. Despite our different cultures, languages, and histories, we share a common humanity. We experience joy and sorrow, love and loss, peace and conflict. We strive for a better future, for ourselves and for those who come after us.

My writings, a collection of stories and poems, are a testament to this understanding. They encapsulate my experiences, the camaraderie and friendships I formed, the emotions I felt, and the darker realities of conflict I witnessed. They honour my fellow soldiers and their supportive families, offering a glimpse into a soldier's life that is often overlooked.

In sharing these experiences, I hope to inspire others to recognise the significance of our shared humanity. To understand that despite our differences, we are all part of a larger narrative, a tapestry of experiences that bind us together. My adventurous nature, my love of travel and history, and my experiences in the army have taught me this. And through my writings, I hope to share these lessons with the world.

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