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To The End Of The World And Back

by Obsessed4Mythbusters
48 pages    926 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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7"x10" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book

20 greedy, adventurous, sailors, go on an adventure like no other in search of treasure. But standing in their way are enemy treasure seekers, grueling conditions, and an ocean willing to do anything to protect it's treasure. To The End Of The World And Back, the 1st book in the Voyage series, is an action-packed, suspencful, novel, that will keep you reading until the final page. This is my first book I've ever writen, but nonetheless is your key to an unforgetable voyage, going on deep inside your imagination. Thanks for reading, and enjoy!

Features & Details
Created on: Feb-25-2011   Last updated:  Feb-25-2011
Format: 7"x10" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Travel    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
suspence    treasure    voyage   
About Author
author icon Obsessed4Mythbusters
Joined: Feb-25-2011

I am nothing more than another kid who has a will to write. The fact that sets me apart is that I am blessed that I have the time, the resources, and the imagination, to write. But fact is, I'm very young. I am a 12 year old boy, with some extra time and a pencil. Nonetheless, I hope that this book is fun to read, just as--or more--than what you expected, and I hope puts you in that state of deep thought, where your imagination, slightly guided by my book, can run free. I only ask one thing. Before you read this book, before you click that button, or flip that page, remember the fact that I am nothing more than a kid with a pencil. Enjoy!

Your key to imagination,


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