A young 15 year old named Nathan stumbles across a Green Gem his Aunt gave him for his birthday. His Aunt acting suspcious, Nathan soon finds out that his Aunt is a "Plasmer". Which is a VERY special group of people that can shoot Plasma without the use of temperature right from their hands. Nathan, witnessing a true power everytime he touches the gem, learns more and more. The Plasmers date back to Ancient Times in Rome. The Plasmers over threw Rome, not the VisoGoths.. or the Goths. The Plasmers were born from ancient alien visitors called the "Plase" who made up "Plasem" or "Plasma"
Swift Joined: Jan-23-2011 |
Braeden Nielsen is a 14 year old Author living in North America, Minnesota. He has 2 brothers, Austin 10, Christopher 7. His parents, Ron Nielsen 35, and Melissa Nielsen 37. Braeden Nielsen has been writing for years