You should understand your own drivers and needs first before pursuing your dreams. Big changes and adjustments constantly happen in most organizations and sectors nowadays. And this challenge awaits you once you've entered the professional world, so the question is, how prepared are you for this? Wallace Associates believes that the answer to this is a good career management.
Some people carefully handle their careers, while others don't. Those people who don't bother manage their careers end up with hasty decisions and jump into whatever they think is the upwards direction, which oftentimes result in negative outcomes. Wallace Associates Inc wants you to plan the course of your career strategically with career management to have a good future in your job.
rahkamofred124 Joined: May-26-2016 |
Wallace Associates is a locally-owned career management and coaching firm, leveraging over 25 years of business expertise, to provide customized career transition / outplacement, executive coaching, and personal coaching services. Through our partnership with OI Global Partners, we can offer these services through over 200 locally-owned offices in more than 25 countries.