Wesley is a quirky fourth grader who has previously gotten into trouble at school. Aside from his naughty behavior from time to time, he is a loyal friend who does not like a bully! When a new student comes to school with her seeing eye dog, Wesley becomes fascinated by her. Luckily for her, Wesley is there when she needs someone to help her out of a tricky situation.
Samantha Kate Joined: Mar-22-2011 |
S.K. Riggi currently lives outside of Chicago with her husband Eric, her two children, Dominic and Meghan and her dog, Saki. She is a vegetarian who has had a passion for animals since she was a little girl. S.K. Riggi likes to bring awareness about animal rights and the ethical treatment of animals through her writing. She teaches first grade, writes children's poetry, enjoys practicing Buddhism, and likes staying active with her family. She reads and writes as much as possible!