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Who's First? - Who will win?

by Carol Treadway-Wells
20 pages    85 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

It's a book about a mother mouse who needs to go shopping and she knows that all the children will want to go with her when they discover she is going. So, she devises a plan to only take one child with her. But atlas, her plan does not go like she thought it would. She implemented her plan and things got off track,left and right but it turns out happily in the end.

Features & Details
Created on: Dec-01-2017   Last updated:  Dec-01-2017
Format: 8.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Children    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
goes awry    mice    shopping .Momma's plan   
About Author
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Joined: Dec-01-2017

Hi my name is Carol Treadwa-Wells and I always wanted to be first a preschool teacher then a Children books author. I have been a preschool teacher for to years but now I am a full time Nanny to a little one who is 17 months old. He loves books so we read a lot. I also love to write poetry and i wrote a children's song twice for a school assignment,they turned out pretty good. I am a mother to 4 and a grand mother to eleven, ages range from 19 to 5 years old. The youngest grandson's birthday is today he is 5. I have written a few stories for a children's book contest and did not win. Hopefully someday I will be published. I have had three poems published in a poetry book.I will have finally, in December accomplish my goal of an AA in Early Childhood Education, it has taken me around 8 years to complete because of money and working but I did it. I am happy.I kept my promise to y mother and school is done. Now I work on a career in writing.

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