Alyssa Carone is an American Indian Baptist Christian Pastors wife, Artist, Writer, Blogger, youtuber, Singer and mother. She has had her art work displayed all over Michigan. She has an online gallery of her work found at Using mixed media art work is a pastime for her and she enjoys working with graphics, painting, drawing,sculpting, beads, video editing,blogging and more. Since her conversion to Christianity over 12 years ago her work has taken a new and exciting turn towards glorifying her savior. As a homeschooling mother she has spent hours reading over Christian history books with her children and that gives her a passion for writing about Christians from history. Missionary biographies from the past are her favorite to read when she has a free moment. The freedom we hold dear in America is something she has learned to place great value on. Taking every opportunity to reach out to her community and share the gospel is something she lives for. The KJV..
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KJV Bible
Favorite Writer
Corrie Tenboom, Jim Elliot
Favorite Book Genre
Bible KJV
Favorite Band or Artist
Da Vinci
Favorite Music Genre
Blue grass Gospel
Favorite Movie
The Case For Christ
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Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay
Personal Quote
Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay