brown eyes
Joined |
Jan-20-2012 |
Gender |
Female |
Hometown |
renton washington |
Age |
46 |
Interest(s) |
About Me |
Sandra Bishop is a fourty-six year old christian woman who was sexually and emotionally abused as a child all the way through till her middle teens as a result she lived with severe psychiatric conditions such as manic-depression, anxiety, anorexia,bordeline personality disorder and ADHD untill she accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior which began a twenty one year process, which included several unsucsessful attemtps at getting well which included medications, several hospitalizations and as a last resort ECT (Electrical convulsive therepy) untill six month ago when the Lord reavealed to her the source of her illnesses, which was her thinking and speaking. Once she started to learn to think and talk like Jesus she began to experience more freedom from her mental illnesses in six months than she did through twenty-one years of all hospitalizations and treatments that she recieved. For Sandra learning to transform her mind through learning by the the word of God to think and speak like Jesus, has proved to be a daily battle but one well worth it!
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Favorite Book |
the bible
Favorite Writer |
Joyce Meyer
Favorite Book Genre |
Living beyond your emotions
Favorite Band or Artist |
Amy Grant
Favorite Music Genre |
christian music
Favorite Movie |
jesus of nazereth
Personal Quote |
we all are as happy as we choose to be
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