
About Me
My name is Christie L. Reyes aka Chrissy Cat. My birthday is July 30, 1995. I love to write, draw and do other creative stuff. I especially love to paint. I also love to laugh although my life was harsh at some points in the past, but it gives more meaning to why i love to laugh. No matter how hard life is through months, try to have a good day. It'll get better. True friends know when you're sad even if you want to hide it and they want you to try feel better even if you can't take it anymore. Think of it as if they were in your shoes and you were in theirs.

My favorite quote is, "No one is ever really alone." It's true. No one is alone. There is always someone out there who wants to be there for you and who you want to be there for. You just have to look. I know I have someone there for me. I love him dearly. He's my love, James Todd DeShazo II. He's the greatest to me. No one can take his place in my heart. He's the light that keeps the darkness away. He's the wind beneath my wings that keeps me up when I'm about to fall. Thank you, James.
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"No one is ver really alone"

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by Christie Reyes
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Through Our Eyes
by The Sisters
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