

About Me
My Name is Morgan Lee Cline, I was born in Columbus, Georgia at Ft Benning Army Hospital. My Father and Mother were both soldiers. I believe this military childhood exposed me to a diverse cultures and unique obstacles, I learned to grow up fast with the vivid realities of military life. I started this collection of poems at age eleven. Authors who have inspired my love for reading are Danelle Steel and J.K. Rawling, along with countless others. My love for reading has allowed me to broaded my own mind and excel academically. My Thanks to my parents and teachers who have continually encouraged me to read and write. God Bless all our soldiers, they have inspired many of my thoughts! Note to all parents. "take time to get to know your child, we have much to learn from each other."
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The Notebook

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Poems 4 Growing
by Morgan L. Cline
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