


About Me
JANICE ANITA VAILES is a native Washingtonian of the District of Columbia. As a second career, she began teaching and tutoring pre-kindergarten through third grade. She is a very positive person with a giving nature.

Writing children and animal adventures are her favorite past time and enjoyment. Over the past few years, she has written several animal, fantasy, friends and children adventure stories ranging in ages from four to eight years old.
She welcomed the opportunity to read a few of her stories to the aforementioned school age groups and the children’s response was of great interest and enjoyment. Many of her close associates (teachers, parents and professors) have encouraged her to publish the stories and share her writing creativity with the world. In doing so, she has momentarily put aside her other interests of making ceramics, keyboard and guitar practice in favor of creating and developing more exciting characters for her stories.

She envisions her works as being an important part of the education curriculum, i.e., interaction with the story activities to support and promote the growth and development of children learning, creativeness, expanding their imagination and help them to develop critical analysis in what they read and observe in school and at home.

Today, Janice has added five children’s picture books to her publishing credits and look forward to introducing many more of her stories to children, parents, grandparents, caregivers, teachers and educators all over the world to read, share and enjoy.
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