A liitle boy was up to mischef wherever he went, and his mother did not really trust him, but then one day, he does something that makes his mother say, "I trust you now son."
Sam Joined: May-18-2012 |
My name is Sam...I am almost 9 years old. I will turn 9 in December.
My big sister, Kiana Smith showed me this website. I love writing as much as she does.
I have a dog named Shayla. She is an old dog. She is 7 years old.
Some of my favorite things to do is play with my best friend, Eli and practice singing and writing. I sing opera really well...well thats what I think...
If it was a nice summer day I would go out fishing with my dad, who just got back from New York. Or, I would sing for my family.
I LOVE the Phantom of the Opera. The 2004 edition. I love singing Think of Me, one of it's songs.
My favoreite animal is a dolphin.
Well, that's just about it. There's not much more about me.
Somone, please,comment.