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the graceful days of Sarah Rays

by sarahlyn2617
28 pages    3270 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Price: $39.91    Gold Member Price: $35.92
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About the Book

I'm writing this book to show the world that life isn't always perfect. The book is about a girl named Sarah. Sarah loves writing more then anything but one day at school, when Sarah's teacher says that Sarah is a great gymnist Sarah doesn't know, should she quit writing and be a gymnist or should she do both? With the help of her friends and family she finds the answer. Sarah has 1 sister named Abby. Abby is an artist who collects calenders and pens. Abby loves her sister alot alot and alot. when ever her sister needs help shes there to help. Sarah's mom is a cashier at the dollar store on sunday and Saturday. Sarah's Dad is a photographer on monday and Saturday. Sarah's best friend is April. When Sarah's mom and dad are at work on saturday April's family looks after Sarah. April is a only child in her family. April's dad died a year ago, now April lives with her Mom and grandma and grandpa. Sometimes April talks about how funny, nice and happy her dad was, she will always love him!!

Features & Details
Created on: Aug-21-2012   Published on: Aug-21-2012
Format: 8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Fiction    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 28 Pages
About Author
author icon sarahlyn2617
Joined: Aug-17-2012

My name is Sarah. My hobbies are gymnastics ,horsebackriding, writing, art, playing gutiar and swimming. My favourite show is charmed, and the OC. My favourite season of the OC is all of the seasons and I like season four of charmed but it's not my favourite season. My favorite episode of the oc is season 4, the earthqueak beacause everyone is with the person they love and my favourite episode of charmed is season 4,Lost and Bound. My favourite book series is the amazing days of abby hayes, my favourite book in the series super speial # 1 the best is yet to come. My favourite character on charmed is Piper and Paige and my favourite character on the oc is Ryan,Taylor, Seth, Summer and Sandy. My favourite colour is purple, light pink and light blue. I have a sister named Kaitlyn, a brother named ryan and a mom and dad, I have 2 dogs named Muffin and Diesel. Muffin is a 4 year old malties and shiz zhu and Diesel is a 11 months old german sheperd and rotwhyler. I'm 8 years old. I love lol

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