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by Luann Jung, Emese Kulcsar
48 pages    7997 reads    12 people's favorite    76 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

Meda Carmaine's life is agonizing, maybe cursed. Ever since she was born she's gotten nothing but twice her share of bad luck. Because she seems to attract bad luck Meda loses her self-confidence and is afraid to try anything in fear of it going terribly wrong. Her sister dies and she gets sent away to an orphanage where no one accepts her. One day, she wanders into the forest behind her orphanage and finds both a secret that will curse her life even further, it's the secret that killed all her loved ones, ruined her sister's mind, and will end her life. But it's good too . . . because she also finds a someone, who might just change everything . . .

Features & Details
Created on: Feb-12-2012   Last updated:  Jul-19-2012
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
life    sorrow    tragedy    unlucky   
About Author
author icon Karai Silvergirl
Joined: Nov-26-2011

Hello! Hmmm, these days I've developed a questionable interest in British accents and speaking my own language, Mnesmonian. I've even taught it to a few of my friends. I love horses and cats, books and writing, drawing and art, music and singing AND flute, saying "eh", THE HUNGER GAMES, aaaaannnnnnnnndddd . . . . . . eh, I've run out of things. Sooooo, I live in Manhattan, KS and occasionally, Hattiesburg, MS. I've been to New Zealand. I am Asian, Mom: Chinese, Dad: Korean. I skipped a grade (1) so now I am 1-2 years younger than everyone else in my class (way to go me!!). YAY!!! I finally turned 11! And saw the Hunger Games movie while doing so, it was awesome!

I'm in Gifted, and can't wait for middle school (which starts at 7th grade here. can you believe it?). Now, let's see what I've covered . . .. . . . . . . .. .. .. . Hmmmm, you've learned some of the basics about me but probably wasted A LOT of time doing so. Eh. Like I care. Anyways, goodbye, happy writing, and may the..

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