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Azalas'S Life: Key To Humanity - Azalas

by Azalas Valentine
20 pages    2965 reads    0 people's favorite    2 likes
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8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Price: $50.99    Gold Member Price: $45.89
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About the Book

Josh had been defeated in the year 2010, New York City still growing of danger and fear ever since Josh and Keith had both been defeated.

There will be hell to pay in this suspenseful sequel to Azalas'S Life!

Features & Details
Created on: Sep-14-2010   Published on: Sep-14-2010
Format: 8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Writings    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
Humanity    Jack    Josh    Key    Marcus    Stone sword    To    Yuki   
About Author
author icon Azalas Valentine
Joined: Sep-08-2010

: I became an author at the age of 13, I started playing Runescape, and then I went on the forums reading those ‘Noob’ stories! One story called Bono The Noobiest Noob inspired me to write this hit amateur script novel called “The Ultimate Noob Journey” people wanted to be characters in the story, I got more fans by the day! They put confidence in me, and then I started to write the two other stories. “The Ultimate Noob Adventure” and “The Ultimate Noob War” By then I stopped writing stories because I lost confidence in myself, but! I joined this site called, which I made this non script novel called “Yuri And Flames Adventure” which I started this saga after watching the hit anime series “Full Metal Alchemist” But Eliteskills also had a role play section where its text roleplaying, I never liked Roleplaying but I tried it out! After playing Final Fantasy XII I admired the character Captain York Vossler ‘Azelas, I made a role play character named ‘Azalas’ by mistake, but that is what started my journey to writing books….I did these two stories at the age of 14,

Now, at the age of 14 still, on winter break I wrote an amazing story about Runescape, called Gielnors Last Stand. It struck my mom’s heartstrings as she helped me edit it, she loved the story, which prompted me to write a sequel at the age of 15. Gielnors Last Stand: Saragossas Return.

I still write stories, and I am 15 still! I show my teachers, they admire them and my main teacher helps me edit all of them! I wrote the Azalas stories in her class, Azalas’s Life, Azala’s Life: Key to Humanity. Yuri is Azalas’s son by the way if you ever read the Yuri and Flames Adventure. If you wish to know anymore about me, my life, and my work in progress please give me a call at;

Textfree App Number: 1-760-354-9683


Oh I am usually at Drama Club classes so if you send me an email, let’s say 2:00PM, I won’t reply till I get home at 4:00PM

P.S. I am so sorry but there are multiple ways to pronounce Azalas, here is the few pronunciations; UZ-A-LES, AS-A-LES,-EZ-A-LES.

Also if you guys want to volunteer to do artwork for the books that would be appreciated, I do not have money, But I guarantee full credit for any Volunteers in the book that you have helped illustrate!

And there is the movie making! The most important of all! If you guys are amateur movie makers on youtube, or any other video hosting site, it would be much appreciated if any of you made amateur movies of what your perspective is! Or even what the next story is going to be about!

Sorry if my books are too short, or not good, it takes a lot of potential to become a writer, take this story as an example to help you become a writer! Imagine what the characters look like! Josh can be a middle aged scientist with red hair, a bowler’s hat, and the story can start out in the 1800’s! It’s your imagination! One good tip; LET IT GO WILD!

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