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Danny Gibel's Guide to Perfect Cocktails

by Danny Gibel
32 pages    4351 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
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About the Book

Danny Gibel is a world renowned bartender and mixologist, whose knowledge far surpasses that of his father's. He now has chosen to share his signature drink recipes and also puts his personal twist on a few classics. With easy to follow instructions and diagrams, you too can look like you know what you're doing.

Features & Details
Created on: Nov-12-2009   Last updated:  Nov-26-2009
Format: 7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
Theme: Cookbook    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 32 Pages
mixed drinks   
About Author
author icon Danny
Joined: Nov-12-2009

Daniel Gibel was born and raised in Rocky Point, NY. Since birth he has always found himself to be the center of attention, which made his friends and family believe that acting would be a great career for him to pursue. This led him to Adelphi University; the four years he started there made him realize that acting was not his passion. It was in college where he first found a love for alcohol.

After college, Danny moved to Queens to be closer to the fast paced world of New York City. There he quickly found out that it is very expensive, and he needed to find a suitable means to line his pockets with coin. He wandered through many retail outlets, high school cafeterias, and Coffee bars looking for "Help Wanted" signs. In the end, it was safe to say he had an extensive collection of nametags and hairnets.

Finally, Daniel saw the film Cocktail.... 'nuff said.

His father gladly slapped down the $300 for Bartending school. Danny had found his passion. His father continues to kick himself for the $30,000 he still owes for Danny's not-so passion. If only he'd rented Cocktail 4 years ago.

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