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Darkness of the Light - Misty's Story

by Lexi Luxion
48 pages    3905 reads    1 people's favorite    4 likes
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7"x10" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book

~If the Pack isn't saved, darkness will overcome lightness~

There's two packs competing to keep their side alive. Sinister Pack is the most evil pack trying to keep darkness into the world of the wolves. Thunder Pack is the most gifted Pack, always helping others, and trying to keep light alive. The Sinister Pack refers to them as the loser pack, as this pack owned the most evilest mountain, obviously called the Evil Mountain. The Thunder Pack doesn't have anything except Sunset Lakes, their part of the Gatherings with other Packs, their territories, and their camp.

A wolf pup named Misty is born, and was asked to be chosen into the Thunder Pack, the most traditional way for wolves. Her father was once the leader of Thunder Pack, along with family generations of deputies, medicine wolves, and leaders. Once she arrived, the Medicine Wolf claimed she was the Prophecy Wolf in his dreams that could eventually save light from darkness.

Is she the one, or is it too late?

Features & Details
Created on: Jan-09-2013   Last updated:  Jan-25-2013
Format: 7"x10" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
Fantasy    fiction    wolves   
About Author
author icon Luxion_Entertainment
Joined: Jan-09-2013

Lexi Luxion is the pen name of a writer at age 16. She is a native of Atlanta, GA, and loves nature and writing very much. She has been writing since 1st Grade, and always had a love for it. Since joining Luxion Entertainment, a group that her friends created, she is the creator and writer of it. Most stories are fictions, and fantasies because she doesn't like reality stories that much.

Messages from the author:

-NEW UPDATE- Sorry guys if we haven't been on....there's just been so much going on that I haven't had time. We all had that before :) There's good news and bad news about this book:
Good: We are still continuing it! YAAAAYYY!!!! :)
Bad: I lost the files on my computer, so it'll have a taste of Warrior Cats and Wolves Of The Beyond in it...well it kinda has a Warrior Cats ring to
Anyways, if you guys have any suggestions .. Just let us know! For now I, Lexi, will be writing most of this book.. :) Hope you like it!!

I haven't found all the files on the last few chapters, so I'm thinking that the ending is different than the one I wrote when I was 14..not like you know it. If I make any spelling mistakes, or don't have to tell me, I'll find it after three days of rereading it. You're going to like it, I promise. =) Peace out!
-Another Thing!-
We, the group, are creating a group project called a book. We won't be on for the next few days as to plan it, and write ahead, so I'm trying to get as much as possible in this before tomorrow. So cheers! Jan. 13-17th- offline. =)

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