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Deep within ones soul

by F.M.C.L
100 pages    590 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
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About the Book

Newt couldn't stand the way others treat him-Looking at him with from head to toe, checking if he's still good as new. He know the reason why, He knew that he was put in a bad condition. But that was back then. For Newt the past and the present are two different things. He hated his past but nothing can replace his anger for the creators who put them in such trouble. The WICKED that is. Every time he slept Newt always had a nightmare remembering the past. His dreams showed him the past that he hated so much. The BOOK- Every week they have to send someone to complete the give task that was meant to them. He hated the Gladers for not letting him go inside the portal leading to the book. He couldn't stand it all, for him it was a major torture. Everyone treats him like that. They all know that Newt loves to complete missions. How will he survive the Glader's torture towards him. Will he last long or would he just kill himself again? Will he sneak out to the portal on the way to the Book? Will He or will he not?

Features & Details
Created on: Oct-08-2014   Last updated:  Oct-24-2014
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 100 Pages
About Author
author icon Newt
Joined: Oct-08-2014

A simple sixth grader that spends almost half of it's life reading, knowing that she will one day be a successful writer. Loves Newt's quotation "Great, We're all bloody inspired"

For her if you don't move and just kept on dreaming, nothing will lead you to the way to your dreams.

"What you see is what you get."

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