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by Milena A. Tipton
48 pages    12550 reads    7 people's favorite    9 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book

Our world is... broken. I guess that's the best way to describe it. Our government is corrupt, our food supply is dwindling, our population rising. America has become a third world country. The greatness of our past burned, and buried beneath the ruble of the Great War. Those trying to preserve our past are slaughtered mercilessly by the New Order of Life and the rebels grow weaker every day. My mother fought this war on the frontlines, without fear, and without doubt. But when I was young, she gave up. The most powerful woman in the resistance was executed for treason, and I was whisked of to an orphanage on the edge of the country. Since that day I've been unable to shake the sense of betrayal, since that day I've wondered what had led to her decision to leave me, what she was trying to hide. When I meet Aaron, it became clear that it was connected to the Great War, but anything from that time has been long forgotten. So what do we do now?

Features & Details
Created on: Jul-02-2012   Last updated:  Oct-25-2013
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Fiction    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
Hale    Jackson    Jax    Marc    Marcus    Order    post apocalyptic    Rebellion    The New Order    The New Order of Life    The Order of Life   
About Author
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Joined: Jul-01-2012

My name is Milena Tipton. Born and raised in North West Oregon, I'm used to rain, and clouds, and bipolar whether patterns. I have been writing since I was 12, but have only been decent at the task for a couple of years. I have actually never finished a book, I find I get to caught up in unimportant details and end up over thinking things and getting bored with it. (Hopefully this time it will be different) I grew up in the most boring place in the world, so most of my inspiration comes from books, TV, and most of all Music, just about every one of my books has a sound track :) Peace.

Messages from the author:

SO I apologize for lying again. I didn't mean to. But at the moment, I have every single scene for defect planned out, and the moment my computer is working again, I'll begin the writing phase, again. I can't promise anything but I think I'll end up just posting a new edition soon. Thanks for everything you guys I mean 610 reads, that's awesome. hopefully you'll hear from me soon. PEACE m.t.

So I plan on updating very soon, which in the next few days. I'm taking out the current third chapter and writing a new one. I'll send a mass message to announce the new chapters when they're up. Tell me if you don't want that message or I'm sending it to everyone XD Sorry of the extremely long wait. Hopefully I'll have a new cover as well. So yeah. Peace.

I hate my computer. I tried to update, I managed to fix somethings but other then that no luck. I'll try again later :)

I wanna thank you guys for all your support. 419 reads! I know I haven't updated in a while. I get distracted to easily. I've been writing though recently, and hopefully I'll add something soon. :) Peace

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