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Doozy Dinosaur - The Unmannerly Experiment

by Sheerin Hayden
28 pages    6604 reads    2 people's favorite    18 likes
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8.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

"I don't have to do anything I don't want to!"

Doozy Dinosaur was a curious, green T-Rex with bright, orange eyes!

Now, Doozy was a thinker and a very headstrong dinosaur. He woke up one morning with a big stretch and yawn and wondered what challenge he would face today. He sometimes got into trouble for his ongoing quest for knowledge. As his sleepy head began to clear he had a fascinating thought. "Why do I have to go to school today? Why do I have to be polite? Why do I have to do anything at all? A lot of unnecessary talking and actions" he concluded.

"I don't have to do anything I don't want to!" he said. This would be his anthem for today.

Doozy's parents taught him the importance of good manners and respect for everyone, but he decided to carry out his own experiment as to why he must follow them.

"I shall prove them wrong! Manners are not necessary!" It's going to be a day of defiance! For the sake of Science!"

Features & Details
Created on: Dec-02-2013   Published on: Dec-02-2013
ISBN: 9781605004228
Format: 8.5"x8.5" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Children    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 28 Pages
dino    dinosaur    dinosaurs    Kids    Lessons    Manners    Morals    Stories    T-Rex   
About Author
author icon DinosRFun2Read
Joined: Nov-17-2013

Hi there!

My name is Sheerin Hayden.

Thank you for taking a peek today.

I have always been fascinated by what makes kids drawn to certain types of books. I love fables and my son loves dinosaurs so naturally I took great interest in this genre and theme. I believe a good story for kids should be fun but must also hold an important lesson in life. This is a very impressionable age and what better way than to use the characters they love to teach them to read, have fun and somewhere in between learn a valuable trait (we're all guilty of sneaking in the 'good stuff' now and again with food, drinks and of course, books! :) Based on my experience as a parent of a 7 year old, I have decided to embark on writing about, what else? Dinosaurs! My son can't get enough of these books and I know that many other children can relate. Hope you enjoy what I have written and I am very humbled that you have visited my little corner of "DinosRFun2Read" :)

Messages from the author:

As ever changing as our world today, one thing that is 'prehistoric' and still received well in our modern day society is a dose of good manners...

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