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Ebonyville Tales of Abused Women - Things Aren't Always What They Seem

by Raushanah McGhee
48 pages    427 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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7"x10" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book


Tales of Abused Women

"Everything Isn't Always What It Seems"

Witness one of the greatest comebacks in history as Ebony struggles to raise her children while supporting an arrogant over aggressive self consumed husband. Her husband Joe makes sure that he tests her vows daily as he takes his wife on an emotional pilgrimage to test how much she can take without breaking. Joe's senseless nonstop verbal onslaught is an undeniable sign of psychological abuse in its rawest form. He takes pride in his countless attempts to disrespect, demean, and belittle his wife never ceasing to amaze himself. He believes that since he does not physically hit you it is not abuse. Times have changed society judges women that choose to stay home and raise their children as opposed to working while their children are young. Every closed eye is not sleep. To the closed eyes of insecure people that always want to feel like they are better than others they assume that unemployed people are lazy and lack motivation. We as a people need to look past the surface flaws to see what really lies behind closed door. The thing that we fail to realize is that although the wounds acquired through mental, verbal, and emotional abuse are invisible they consume their victim like venom. The everyday abusive verbal thrashings were just as detrimental to Ebony as deep open bloody gashes on the back of a beaten soul. They unconsciously cause low self esteem, lack of motivation, and eventual isolation. Learn the signs of abuse so that you begin to easily recognize them gaining an advantage. Use your advantage to make the conscious decision before you get too emotionally involved and run from the Joe's of the world until they become extinct. I challenge you to take a long look in the mirror and evaluate which role you play. Then I challenge you to play another role. Start by not being scared to create new beginnings.

How U Living?

Features & Details
Created on: Apr-14-2010   Last updated:  Apr-14-2010
Format: 7"x10" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Blog Book    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
Ebonyville    Tales of Abused Women   
About Author
author icon Shawna
Joined: Apr-14-2010

First major project.

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