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A Guide To Obtaining Government Jobs In India

by Arpita Maurya
56 pages    3609 reads    0 people's favorite    1 likes
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8.25"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
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About the Book

A Guide to Obtaining Government Jobs in India is a comprehensive book that addresses various important factors involved in finding government jobs in India. The book, written by Arpita Maurya, a job consultant based in Lucknow ( India), starts with a brief introduction about the general job scenario and goes on to discuss the different avenues within the government sector where candidates can find jobs, the benefits of working in the government sector, monetary benefits and incentives and several other aspects before plunging into ways of obtaining these jobs. She also updates latest government jobs available in india at . The book provides elaborate and implicit guidelines for obtaining application forms, filling them up perfectly, qualification exams to be written, preparing CV and attending group discussions and interviews. Towards the end, two real life case studies of people who began low and reached high positions in the sector are also provider.

Features & Details
Created on: Apr-30-2014   Last updated:  Apr-30-2014
Format: 8.25"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: How-To    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 56 Pages
government jobs    govt jobs    job    jobs   
About Author
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Joined: Apr-30-2014

Arpita Maurya, the author of A Guide to Obtaining Government Jobs in India, is dedicated to helping Indians find gainful employment, with special emphasis on the government sector. She is a job consult and holds a post graduate degree from the Lucknow University. Realising that millions of graduates in India do not have access to information about latest vacancies in the government sector, she started a website,, a platform where she posts information about the latest vacancies, from entry level clerical posts to high level manager positions. In order to help graduates strengthen their chances of obtaining a government job, she penned down a book that deals with all aspects involved in the job hunt, beginning from the application process to interview performance.

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