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Lif of Lindsey

by Lindsey
20 pages    250 reads    0 people's favorite    1 likes
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8.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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Features & Details
Created on: Jul-31-2016   Last updated:  Jul-31-2016
Format: 8.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Biography    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
About Author
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Joined: Jul-31-2016

The life and times of Lindsey madden

My name is Lindsey Elizabeth Madden. I was Born in Chester county hospital i was Born. With Cerebral palsy and mild retardation and been In and out of hospital s through out my life . But I don't let that get be down .when I was three i started a special per k school for kids with special needs then when I turn 5 I stared at school for special needs kids from 5 to 21 years of age I new at a early age that I wanted to work with kids and know matter how and what I will get to my dream one day . I want people

to see know matter how you can get to your dream .i want to thank all my family and teachers for always being there and never giving up on me because of you I am. Able to get to wear I am today so I thank you for that so now I can take what I have learned and help other people and kids .people should see that know matter what kinda of disablitys or specials needs that they can achieve anything they want too in

life I have. A passion to help kids. Like. Me overcome. There differents. As I know. With guidance . These kids can do anything they want. To achieve know matter if it learning how. To talk or just learning how to read. If I can do all that I know they can I know what they are going threw .it was not easy growing up with special needs but as I got

older I learned to not let thing get to me with being arounds people like me I knew It was possible to over come many different things in my life .i live life to the fullest and love life . I love making a impact on people's life I enjoy spending with my two favorite kids Abbie and Trevor know they are not mine. They are a big part of my life I learn a

lot from them .I do not let my Disablity get in the way of anything I hope to teach people the same thing in life .the best part of life is not knowing what will come next I love being a part of a wonderful and great thing called special Olympic every person or child with or with out special needs wants to do sports and special Olympic is that

for us it is a great and wonderful organization I am so glad i am part of it .my wish one day is for people to see we are just like everyone else . There is so much love and happens in the world so no matter what you are going threw think of happy and good

times when you are feeling down there is so much to live for . And I am so grateful
When I was 16 I meant my best friend I don't know we're I would be with out her we do lots together I love when we get together and just be our selfs and have a good time .

I want people to see me for me not what I look like I am A wonderful girl who has many wishes and dreams just like aver one else and one day I will get to my dream of getting my dream job and going to college. Just like every one I may have a disability but that's not who I am it's just a part of me that I can't change or would wanted to it has mad e me the person I am today

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