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Lights- dedicated to Nat Bear! - *Inspired by Nat Bear's "The Way It Is"

by Anna Matthews
48 pages    3530 reads    2 people's favorite    3 likes
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7"x10" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book

*I know I'm not a critique but wow! That book made me cry and I never cry when I read. It was that good. If I had 60 thumbs I'd give it a million thumbs up! Don't ask...*

Kit (short for Kitten) was there when her brother had died. He was the only family she had left. His name was Bearin. Bearin Pokes.

He was married to a girl, named Sylvia. She was always bubbly. But after he had died, Sylvia must take care of Kit. But she wasn't bubbly anymore.

She didn't smile ever. Again! She yelled and screamed and even cuts Kit. It's not her fault. It was never her fault.

But that Sylvia blames her for everything. If she dropped one tiny piece of lint Sylvia would get mad at her.

When the lights come on, she hides in her room. She screams and yells then falls asleep. Kit knows Sylvia isn't Sylvia because of her eyes. They were know black instead of that icy blue.

Kit finds out why, it's way worse than being depressed. Kit knows that Lights can solve her problems that 1 name. So turn..

Features & Details
Created on: Aug-28-2012   Last updated:  Oct-06-2012
Format: 7"x10" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Teen    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
Flordia    liar    lies    lights    Nat Bear    sunny   
About Author
author icon Jada T
Joined: Oct-07-2011

Okay it's 'bout time I updated my profile. SO uh... let's see: I'm Anna Matthews (duh!).

I live in Gummy bear Land cuz' I loooove me some gummy bears.

I LIKE pigs and I WUV mini dachshunds! (RIP Oliver, for always in my heart)

I never wrote a romance... I'll write one when I get asked out on a date.

I am REALLY tall for a 13 year old.

I am a FIERCE soccer goalie...


I am a author.

I serious defect I have is that my brain only works when I'm doing work or anything by myself. I hate being in groups, they talk too much and my brain doesn't process it well with other people in my way!! (in other words: I fly sole, plus if the don't get work done in time I almost throw a fit!)

I LOOOVE me some penguins!!!

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