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My Memories

by I.M.
100 pages    1930 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
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About the Book


What would you do if one day you woke up in a room.Having no memories of who you are? How you got there? And where your parents are? They say I'll remember sooner or later. They? you might ask yourself,They are the people who is trying to help me find out why I can't remember who I am.They seem friendly, so why does part of me is telling me to not trust them. And the dreams I dream about? All of them have one boy In it. Who is he?


I did it to make sure she was safe. They wanted me. And I lead them to her. The only way to keep them away from her was to give myself up. And to make sure she was really going to be safe I took some of her memories away.Memories of me, memories of the new things she learned about me. But what If all along the bad guys I was running away from were the good guys?

Features & Details
Created on: Nov-20-2013   Last updated:  Jan-02-2014
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Color Trade Book
Theme: Teen    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 100 Pages
girls    love    power    teen   
About Author
author icon I.M.
Joined: May-21-2013

My names Iman but my friends call me I.M.. or Nikkie. Nikkie the most though. I ws born in Africa. i moved to the U.S.A. when i was 11 years old.So i stared school in 5th gared (never want to 4,3,2,1, grade)I learnd how to write and read really fast. I still don't know how I learnd that fast. My English is not that good and I am not a great speller. I like to read a lot. And write sometimes. Even though I am not that good. And last i like to sing. I write a lot storys but I can never finsh them. I showed a short story ones to one of my friends, she told me Iit was really good. I like to read books about love.

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