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Natnat! Who's there? It's Lingling! - three cats in the house

by rarityfromPI
20 pages    2031 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
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About the Book

This pet book details the lives of three pet cats, how they had been transported from the big city to a small town and how they have changed the lives of the people in the house. The cats, Lingling, Lucky, and Natoy all have different personalities. Talking and describing each cat would take about a whole chapter since each one of them have the most interesting and funny habits one could ever find in cats. Well, in our cats. This book will open your eyes to the fact that cats are actually lovely and adorable creatures who are just like us. The only difference between cats and man is the sound they make. Cats make silly noises especially when they are in heat while men do not do that at all---well, they are not supposed to be making silly noises and we are not supposed to announce or show to the world when we are in heat--duh! It is because of this that I think cats are weird creatures. How can they even make non-stop noise when they are in heat? That to me is really hard to fathom

Features & Details
Created on: May-19-2014   Last updated:  May-19-2014
Format: 7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
Theme: Pet    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
cat in heat    cats    man    noise   
About Author
author icon rarityfromPI
Joined: May-19-2014

Let me just say that I am a woman of many interests. I love teaching, dancing, reading, writing online, etc. I have pets at home, 3 dogs and 3 cats. I used to be someone who was hard to please but I have sort of mellowed over the years and now I happily embrace everything that comes. I love telling stories to children who I think are insatiable when it comes to stories. Since I hold workshops for children every summer, part of the sessions always included story-telling. There are times when I run out of stories to tell and that's when I use my imagination, a lot of times randomly and I am amazed at how I am able to create stories on the spot. I therefore think that I need an outlet for these stories I have in mind. It has been my dream to come up with a book for children and I hope I can make this happen here. Well, dreaming is a good way of starting something and the next step is to do something about this dream. My membership on this site is therefore my second step towards it.

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