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by Chantau Daffy
36 pages    4444 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Price: $34.35    Gold Member Price: $30.92
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About the Book

This book will show you just some of the many poems I have written over the past years.As you read through them,you will notice each have their own story behind them and in one way or another,we can somehow relate to each one.Many of my poems have touched hearts in ways I never thought could and I have received amazing feedback on my poetry website at which you can go into at the address below.I truly hope as you read through my poetry,there will be a poem that will have an inspiration in your life.

Features & Details
Created on: Aug-21-2014   Published on: Aug-21-2014
Format: 8.5"x11" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Poetry    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 36 Pages
About Author
author icon Channy
Joined: Jun-01-2014

I'm a thirty one year old from Australia.I began writing poetry when I was just twelve years old.The first poem I ever wrote was about my mother's little dog she had named Jesse.I was forever tormenting that dog,but as much as I did,I still loved her and one night I was sitting alone in my room with a pencil and piece of paper and just started writing a verse and before morning,the whole four verse poem was complete.So from then on,I got right into the love of writing poetry and got better and better with it as the years grew on.These days I have had my poetry read out at loved one's funerals and for sick people in the hospitals to help put smiles on their faces and also written ones for weddings.It's always a great feeling knowing your words can mean so much to so many and help them see through the difficult times as well as the happy times in life.

Messages from the author:

I just received the first copy of my very own book & I would just like to let everybody know I am truly overwhelmed with the way it turned out & so blessed I have the gift of writing poetry in my own way.I believe it is something I will continue to do for many more years to come & who knows,I may even write another book later on down the track,something a little different perhaps...I hope whoever purchases my book will also enjoy my writing & will see something they can relate to..


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