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Rain - Science

by Wylie
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11"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
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About the Book

EEffects of war on landforms is when war effects the environment with dangerous chemicals that polute the environment and distroys citys all around the world and harms many lives and distroys homes and buildings and bombs blowing thing's up and harming our beautiful environment and huge oil spils happen every day harming wild life in the sea.The effects of war on landforms is also when the war and it's expanding on the environment poluted earth sory's have been used for alot of recorded history but story's have of warfare cause more devastation on earth the progress from nuclear weapons to chemical weapons they still distroy the inviorment.ffects of war happens every day and it distroys cities and our beautiful environment and every day bad disasters happen and distroy every thing an even our beautiful landforms and kills wild life even people. War is very dangerous like nuclear weapons and bombs and oil spils happen all the time and kill's wild life in the sea like blue wells and sea turtles and endangered wild life so that's why effects of war on landforms is bad.

Features & Details
Created on: May-21-2015   Last updated:  May-21-2015
Format: 11"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Open Theme    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 20 Pages
About Author
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Joined: Oct-13-2014

EEffects of war on landforms is when war effects the environment with dangerous chemicals that polute the environment and distroys citys all around the world and harms many lives and distroys homes and buildings and bombs blowing thing's up and harming our beautiful environment and huge oil spils happen every day harming wild life in the sea.The effects of war on landforms is also when the war and it's expanding on the environment poluted earth sory's have been used for alot of recorded history but story's have of warfare cause more devastation on earth the progress from nuclear weapons to chemical weapons they still distroy the inviorment.ffects of war happens every day and it distroys cities and our beautiful environment and every day bad disasters happen and distroy every thing an even our beautiful landforms and kills wild life even people. War is very dangerous like nuclear weapons and bombs and oil spils happen all the time and kill's wild life in the sea like blue wells and sea turtles and endangered wild life so that's why effects of war on landforms is bad.

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