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Recovery Tools for the Addicted Person Workbook

by Jerilyn Hebert
160 pages    2506 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book

This is a book about recovery and gives you plenty of recovery tools to use to be sober. It goes in depth about the twelve steps. It has another section that you work out the steps for Each month of the year because there are twelve months and twelve steps. It also talks about getting an AA/NA sponsor. It discusses things such as thought process, emotions, mindfulness, withdrawal, what is addiction, hitting rock bottom, different types of addicts, help for families of addicts, it has a dependency questionnaire to score and see if you are an addict. In the back section is some assignments to complete that I learned from an inpatient rehab facility. It has the room for you to do the work in the book. In the end, I share a short story about my spiritual awakening. It also has Prayers and Meditations I say everyday as a daily activity in the mornings. Hope this book can help guide you and allow you to see the light on the other side of that dark tunnel you have been living in.

Features & Details
Created on: Jul-20-2017   Last updated:  Aug-08-2017
Format: 8.5"x11" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Special Event    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 160 Pages
About Author
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Joined: Jun-17-2017

My name is Jerilyn Hebert and I was born in May of 1987. I took my first sip of alcohol at age 12 and tried ecstasy for my first drug at age 15. Later I tried weed, cocaine, and meth and even crack, molly, shrooms and LSD and heroin. I said I would never allow myself to get addicted to pain pills but after my Cesarean for the birth of my son I had bad spinal headaches from my spinal block and needed a blood patch. I then started taking Roxy's and Opana's and became addicted quickly. Before that I had quit using the other drugs and just was an alcoholic drinking three fifths of patron in two days, wine by the bottles, or whatever kind of alcohol I could get my hands on. I got two DWI's in my driveway and I still just thought it was bad luck I got caught but later my alcoholism escalated and then I was certain I had a problem. Then I seeked out help and this is my experience working the program.

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