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The Dimming Fire and Blooming Rose: The Poetry of a Godfather and His Loving Daughter (Revised)

by Poetry by Bryanna Akins and Calvin Clark
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7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
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About the Book

Author’s Note from Bryanna Michelle Akins

Calvin Clark was there for me when my own biological father was not. I loved him like no other I have ever known. He has helped me through some of the most difficult times of my life. There is a reason why I call him my Godfather. He is a god in my eyes and I know that I will never forget him and that he will never forget me. Even after he goes to heaven; he’ll probably brag about me to God and his son when he gets there!

I have been writing since I was eight or nine. At ten, I wrote a four hundred-page novel in less than ten months and I just started to create art and write poetry. He is such a loving person in my eyes that I decided to combine all of our poetry into one book, so he can have something to cherish when he is older!

Calvin wrote poems to me over these last few summers and here they are, along with all of my poetry that I created myself…He may not be my real father, but having him as a godfather is the next best thing!

I am a red rose, blooming and showing off my magnificent beauty.

Calvin Clark may be young at heart, but he gets older every day, as do I.

He is like a fire...fierce, but slowly burning out with every second that ticks by. Calvin, I know it's been hard this year, but remember that I will always love you and that nothing is ever going to change that. I’ll always be there for you and I’ll never forget you, even after you die.

I hope that you enjoy my poetry, my artwork, and my godfather’s works of poetry. He poured his heart and soul out to me and now, I am doing the same. Enjoy this book and enjoy life! <3 <3 <3

Features & Details
Created on: Jan-14-2012   Last updated:  Jan-14-2012
Format: 7.75"x5.75" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - Photo Book
Theme: Poetry    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 64 Pages
Fire    Godfather    His    Loving    of    Poetry    Rose    The   
About Author
author icon Breeya
Joined: Aug-03-2011

Calvin Clark was there for me when my own biological father was not. I loved him like no other I have ever known. He has helped me through some of the most difficult times of my life. There is a reason why I call him my Godfather. He is a god in my eyes and I know that I will never forget him and that he will never forget me.

I have been writing since I was eight or nine. At ten, I wrote a four hundred-page novel in less than ten months and I just started to create art and write poetry.

Calvin wrote poems to me over these last few summers and here they are, along with all of my poetry and artwork that I created myself…

I am a red rose, blooming and showing off my magnificent beauty.

Calvin Clark may be young at heart, but he gets older every day, as do I.

He is like a fire...fierce, but slowly burning out with every second that ticks by. Calvin, I know it's been hard this year, but remember that I will always love you and that nothing is ever going to change that. I’ll always be there for you and I’ll never forget you, even after you die.

I hope that you enjoy my poetry, my artwork, and my godfather’s works of poetry. He poured his heart and soul out to me and now, I am doing the same. Enjoy this book and enjoy life! <3 <3 <3

Bryanna Michelle Akins, B.M.A. <3

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