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The Elvis I Remember - Sharing the Truth and Life of Elvis Presley

by Elizabeth Williams
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5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
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About the Book

Elvis, I wish the world really knew you... as I knew you. I remember everything about you: Your laugh, your smile, your shyness, your gentleness, your sincerity, your honesty, your sensitivity, your clumsiness, your temper, your teasing, your eyes and most of all your love. I feel that I loved you more than any other women except your dear mother. You were my soul mate, my friend, and my heart. Although the time we shared together was short, I have no reservations in my mind that it should have been for eternity. Elvis, you were always my inspiration with your blessed understanding of God and His Son. You are my gift from Heaven. I wish the world had really known you... as I knew you.

Features & Details
Created on: Apr-18-2012   Last updated:  Apr-18-2012
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Choice of Hardcover/Softcover - B&W Book
Theme: Biography    Privacy: Everyone
Preview Limit: 48 Pages
elizabeth williams    elvis book    elvis composer    elvis elizabeth    elvis love    elvis music    elvis presley    elvis romance    elvis secret    elvis the king    the elvis i remember   
About Author
author icon ElvisIRemember
Joined: Apr-18-2012

Elizabeth Williams' Bio after August 1977:

Elizabeth stayed working in the secretarial profession and became a vocational teacher while raising and watching Tara grow into a beautiful young woman. Elizabeth dated off and on for 8 years, but no one could ever compare to Elvis.

In 1985, she went to work at an insurance company and met her future husband, Robert. He had a great love of Elvis and his music. Robert could sing very well and was a fantastic drummer. He was a remarkable man with such wonderful inner strength, intelligence and a blessed, spiritual man.
Elizabeth felt that in Elvis’ passing, that he had sent Robert to her. She was instantly at ease with him, just as she was with Elvis.
They married in March of ‘86. Nine months and 9 days later, their wonderful son was born.
Elizabeth was finally happy again. Tara was growing into a beautiful intelligent young lady. She married at age 20 and gave Elizabeth her first grandson five years later, when Elizabeth was 43. Her second grandson would follow six years later.
In 1998, after a very sad event, Elizabeth's husband convinced her to write she and Elvis' story to help in her grief.
Elizabeth and Robert had a successful business together and after selling, they both became ordained ministers and started an inter denominational church. Elizabeth is a breast cancer survivor since 2000. Elizabeth was honored with a Doctor of Divinity in 2004. Elizabeth had 20 wonderful years with her husband before he passed. She spends her time now as a Christian Counselor, Assistant designer in Tara's Interior Design Firm and is attending college for her Bachelor's in history, which is one of her passions. She fills her life with her wonderful children, grandsons and friends and is now a semi-retired minister.
Elizabeth lost her brother, John when he was only 61, and her wonderful mother lived to the age of 90.
Dr. Elizabeth Williams is now 58 and has just finished her fourth edition of "The Elvis I Remember".
Every Christmas day, Elizabeth still lights a candle in remembrance of her and Elvis' engagement...

April 2012

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