A Multidimensional Story that begins with a young man who awakens to his life's truth and soul mission to help the world become a better place. This book contains Fact and fantasy in an exciting and inspirational tale of love, your true purpose of life, and how to awaken beyond all boundaries of time and space.
Jesus Joined: Apr-21-2021 |
As a young man coming from Birmingham, Alabama, I've always had to deal with the world in a very survival mode and had to deal with many issues coming from poverty, so I prayed to God to help me overcome my issues and strive for nothing but success and so he responded, he has to lead me to a phenomenal change with my soul, mind, and body so I've come up with a book connecting all the lost knowledge that humanity has been deprived of. I believe this is the path to the evolution of a new world that God has shown unto me in my dreams so I invite you all to form part of this project for a better world to come where love is the main character of all.