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The Sweet Dove

by Malessia Lakeraj
60 pages    4619 reads    0 people's favorite    2 likes
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8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Price: $47.39    Gold Member Price: $42.65
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About the Book

Dear My Tiny Tim,

This is my gift to you for everything you have done for me. You have inspired me with your works to better myself and opened my eyes to see a different world. It is incredible to see what you see through your eyes. It is never dull, but always painted with color. You never allowed yourself to be in a deep sorrow, but used the ultimate power of words, to uplift yourself. Your words flow on paper, just like the ocean does upon the shore. Reading your works and watching how much your work has grown is impeccable. With out a doubt, I believe fulling in the works of your writings. The power you have with words can persuade anyone to do anything. It is strong, endearing, loving, and passion filled which excited me even more. I wanted something to give to you, that would make you smile. You write in journals that seem to give you life, but my gift to you is this book that will forever hold your works countlessly. Beautiful and inspiring is exactly you. I love you...

Features & Details
Created on: Jan-30-2017   Published on: Jan-30-2017
Format: 8.5"x11" - Softcover w/Glossy Laminate - Premium Photo Book
Theme: Writings    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 60 Pages
About Author
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Joined: Jan-29-2017

Malessia Lakeraj

Born and raised in Jersey City, NJ, she was a writer from an urban city. A 15 year old, academic scholar who attends University Charter School. Born into a family of 4 children, including herself. She is the second to youngest out of her siblings. Her passion for writing grew by writing her first poem to her first love. This ignited a passion within her, since she claimed to never be good with words verbally but on paper, she could talk for hours. She says, she writes what she is going through, if she has witnessed something, or something that inspires her. As her passion grew so did the pictures she created with words. She is such an optimistic and daring individual, who takes risk on a daily to get what she wants. Malessia was always a painter of words, a painter of what society painted itself to her. Allowing herself to live and be vulnerable in her work is what made it unique. Her work has been published in her school's newspaper as well as featured on Instagram.

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