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Unprepared - Getting a job shouldn't be this hard...

by Adriana DiNenno
132 pages    6284 reads    0 people's favorite    0 likes
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5.5"x8.5" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
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About the Book

Paige has recently graduated from college and is excited to start her career. The trouble is, she has three short months to find her first real job so that she can afford to pay back the sixty-thousand dollars in student loan debt she’s accumulated.

Life has different plans for Paige, though, as she goes through a series of bad interviews, struggling to find a full-time job, all while working part-time and trying to make ends meet.

From taking interview quizzes to being bribed, every interview comes with its own set of surprises. It seems that no matter what Paige does, doors keep slamming in her face.

To make matters worse, the quality of her personal life depends on her job search. She can’t afford a reliable car or her own place, and there won’t be any wedding in her future, until she finds a well-paying job.

From dinner out with her boyfriend to an impromptu trip to visit an old college friend, Paige still manages to still find the joy in day-to-day life, despite all of the pressures that life throws at her.

When she finally lands her first well-paying job, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. For one, she’s shocked to find out that she has to ask for permission to pee at work!

Although Paige feels completely unprepared on how to deal with these job stresses, she plows her way through each interview, testing her abilities beyond anything she ever imagined.

Will she get the dream job that she has worked so hard for? And the happily ever that she is hoping will come with it?

Features & Details
Created on: Feb-01-2017   Published on: Feb-01-2017
Format: 5.5"x8.5" - Hardcover w/Glossy Laminate - B&W Book
Theme: Fiction    Sales Term:  Everyone
Preview Limit: 132 Pages
About Author
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Joined: Sep-02-2016

Adriana N. DiNenno
works full-time as a business analyst for a software company. She received a bachelor’s degree in Journalism from Susquehanna University, and a master’s degree in Communications from Ithaca College. When not spending time with her family and friends or writing, she loves to attend as many Broadway musicals as she can. She resides in Coatesville, PA with her husband, two daughters and three cats. This is her first novel.

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