
Journals and Journal Book

Life is composed of days, yesterday, today and tomorrow. One journal per day becomes a story of you. It would be very interesting and meaningful to capture your daily story and eventually create a story from it. We support you capture the exciting moment timely and thread the journal pearls together as a book at your discretion.

          Create a Journal
          Revise a Journal
          Delete a Journal
          View All the Journals Created
          Create Journal Book
             Select Journals
             Select Book Template
             Design Cover and Introduction Page
             Select Book Product

Create a Journal

To create a journal, you can go to myBookemon, my Journals, click button "new entry" and follow the on-screen instruction. You can also find the right date on the calendar and double click that square on the Calendar to create an entry on the calendar date.

Revise a Journal

To revise a journal, it is easy. Just find the journal through date or picture, double click the picture, and then find "edit" icon and enter the journal.

You can revise the subject of the journal, or the main text. You can also click the calendar icon to change the date of this particular entry. You can also “select photos” to add photos from your computer or mobile device. You can also rearrange the order of those uploaded photos by dragging one around. Make sure you “save journal” when you make any change.

Delete a Journal

To delete a Journal, you can just go to that date on Calendar, double click the cell/picture, and then find the trash can to delete it.

View All the Journals Created

If you want to look at all the journals created so far, you can double click the calendar icon, find the link "view all journals". You can also select the year or month to see the journals written in the time period.

Create Journal Book

At a certain points, such as end of a year, or anniversary, or birthday, when you want to print out a book with some of your journals.

You can easily do so. Go to "my Journal" under myBookemon, clicking the button "Create Journal Book" there.

Select Journals

You may select the journals for your journal book according to the months or year. You may also select the journals with the same subject such as recipes, trips, poetry, etc. (to be coming)

Select Book Template

Since every book has dimension, form factor, you need to choose between two sizes: 8.5”x11” or 5.5”x8.5”. We also provide two templates for you to choose, one is called waterflow, and the other has two columns to separate text from photos.

Design Cover and Introduction Page

Once you select the template you want to flow your text and photos, it goes to the cover design in which you can select your cover style and also work on the introduction page for your journal book.

Edit Cover
You can include the book title on the front cover. Selecting a style for the cover is important as well to give your journal book a signature look.

Edit introduction Page
You may want to have some introduction about the journal book on the first page. Confirm once you are done with the editing and photo.

Select Book Product

The final step of making your journal book is to decide what type of book product to use, hard cover or soft cover. If you happen to want to make any changes to your book, you can still do so, change the template to flow your text and photo, to include different journals into the book, or change the cover design for the book.