About Me
My name's Michaela. I've loved to write and draw my entire life. i don't care if people don't like my books because because I'm proud of what I write. I'm in year seven and my best subjects are English and science. I love animals and I want to be a zoo-ologist when I finish school. Zoo-ologists don't make much money (Only 40-60,000 dollars a year) so as a hobby I would like to be an author and a photographer.
I love in Australia so I spell favorite like favourite, colorlike color, meter like metre, center like centre and liter like litre. I also call flip flops thongs or sandals.
I love my cats Phy (pronounced like sigh) and the stray cat that decided to live with us, Olley. I also have a blue tongue lizard called Terrance and I am very protective of him. My favourite colours are dark blue and darkish aqua green. My favourite animals are siberian tigers. My favourite food is either roast pork or lamb.